Thunder Ridge Ranch LLC

Thunder Ridge Ranch LLC

...selling Premium Natural Farm-Raised Meats -
Angus Beef, Chicken, Pork and Lamb



At Thunder Ridge Ranch we produce animals the ‘natural’ way; raised by their mothers, put out on pasture in the summer and brought in to the barns in the winter, and finished with a little grain so that all our products are of the highest quality. At our Farm Store, we sell beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and eggs. The cows, pigs and sheep are humanely processed at a local slaughterhouse; the chickens we process ourselves. We do not believe in giving our animals hormones or antibiotic-laced feed, and what we sell is what we feed our own family. Sustainability and preserving the environment is close to our heart; we cut hay from our farm's fields to feed to our critters, and then use their manure to replenish the organic matter in the soil to make more hay. Every year the animals are out on pasture puts more fertilizer on the ground and makes the grass ecosystem stronger and more productive. Sawdust for the barns comes from the forests of the area around the Upper Valley, and our many acres of woods helps clean the atmosphere. When you pick up this week's dinner at Thunder Ridge Ranch, you can take pride in the kind of agriculture you are supporting. Hover over the "Products" tab to explore what we have to offer, or click on the links below.





